Upcoming Drop-In Offerings

  • March 30th at 10:30 AM: Leading Sunday Sit for the Insight Meditation Community of Washington/Center for Mindful Living

    Every week on Sunday 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM in Online

    Hugh Byrne’s Sunday morning meditation class is an opportunity to take a pause and open to what is present in body, heart, and mind—and cultivate our intentions for the week ahead.

    We begin with a guided mindfulness meditation followed by a dharma talk on a key area of Buddhist teachings. We conclude with a period of gentle mindful movement and a short meditation, Q&A/sharing, and announcements. The class finishes after about 90 minutes total, with an optional 15-minute period afterward for those who wish to stay to discuss the day’s theme in breakout groups.

    The Sunday class is tailored to beginners, long-time practitioners, and all who are interested in the Buddha’s teachings and their relevance to our lives today.

    No registration is necessary. The class is offered on a donation/dana (generosity) basis.

  • Tuesday Mornings at 7:30am - Center for Mindful Living

    Currently guiding the Tuesday Morning sit for the Center for Mindful Living every other week.

    This is a beautiful way to start your day, with a 30-minute meditation period and an optional 15-minute discussion following.

    Join from the calendar with the below link. Choose “Gallery View” and you’ll see us all together in community. It’s a very warm and peaceful experience. :)

    Drop-in — no registration required. All are welcome!